Edens Zero Chapter 247 Review – To the Field of Battle

To be perfectly honest, I never thought I’d let such a big gap between my reviews for the Edens Zero manga to happen. The thing is, between my hectic schedule for Otaku Space as a whole for this year (it sucks so bad and I’m sorry for that) and the fact that every piece I tried to make about this series would spiral on how negativr I’ve felt about it lately (meaning it got really bad for a while there; Universe 0 and its forced characters’ roundabout ain’t good and I stand by it; it really damaged the series), I left things go big and here we are, all the way up to chapter 247. And you can’t go wrong with the Red Cave arc, frankly – certainly one of the best (and unique in a way that no other arc ever managed to be on this series), we’re here to plan and prepare for the final battle. Seems like we’re really shooting at the end, folks. Either this chapter was really good, or I’m starting to get really delusional.

Why is Rachel’s updated design so much better than the original?

I confess that I would have preferred if Nadia and her whole story were left as it originally was because nothing can ever top it. In fact, that’s my main struggle with this Universe 0 stuff, the constant revamp of things that were just fine as they were. But anyway, I’ll try not to be too negative about it because it would defeat the purpose of this article, which is to try and get a better look back on Edens Zero. Back to the chapter, I think it’s a little too late to start exploring how the Interstellar Union Army works and a bit too ridiculous and conventional that all of these “friends” whom we’ve known since the previous worlds are such big guns, but I think I can let it slide because apart from Elsie no one really has combat power there and I doubt they can really interfere in this fight. Still, it bothers me that we’re getting inside this conflict as a forced “family.”

I like you, Nadia, and I’ve always liked the idea behind the IUA… but it’s way past overdue the point where you guys could make yourself useful and an actual moving part of the comsmoses. You all just ain‘t it.

That’s not where my skepticism about the chapter ends, though. How come such top guns as the IUA are asking for help to those random kiddos? I know it was pointed out that the Edens Zero is the only ship capable of combating the one (why, though? I mean, it has to make sense in the story, past the whole “meta” business – you know, the Edens Zero defeating yhe One and all that) but unlike in the previous world where the crew had some actual feats that would’ve put them in the government’s radar – taking down Draken Joe and his shadowy rule over the Sakura Cosmos, taking down Nero, Shura and playing a pivotal role in the war that freed the Aoi Cosmos of its ruthless Empire, participating in the Kaede war and defeating three (four, if we’re being generous and counting up Elsie too) members of the Oración Seis Galáctica… you know, the sort of stuff which they actually did. Instead, in Universe 0, they’re complete and total randos, and I ain’t even joking about it. How does it make sense in their heads that not only involve these civilians in those fights but also to bet it all over them is a good idea? I mean, it’s the fate of the world we’re talking about here. It’s another grip I have with things after Universe 0. Somehow, Mashima-sensei decided to throw away all of the development, and all of the story we had for the past 220 chapters, revampt it to his convenience content (Shura and Draken being allies… uh-hum), but when it’s convenient (and heck, convenience is a big problem here – see neo-Draken Joe and neo-Shura’s case, for instance, again), we take it into account. Sadly, those are the parts that drive me out of the business – Universe 0 isn’t as well thought as it seems.

Duh-dum, I guess.

I will make a confession, though, and say that since we got to Belial Gore 2.0, this is the best chapter. It saddens me to know that if not for the whole Uni.0 crap, this would otherwise be a mighty fine opener to the last battle. I will avoid commentary on the things I dislike. For now, I’m pretty excited to see the Edens crew taking a final big showdown. Some of the fights might be nice if not rushed, and I’m really just giddy to finally reach Mother’s whereabouts. I need that, you need that, and all of our nation needs. And then, there’s Holy and Eraser being the sweetest random pairing I’ve ever seen.

Yeah, at least those two are endgame.

Best Part: Holy is in the chapter, and the woman is still every bit as fine as I remember her l. (I mean her character! Her character, I swear.)

Worst Part: Universe 0 shenanigans won’t ever fade away.

Chapter Score: 3/5

Ok, but why Jinn in particular? And what funny ass way to refer to the crew, lol.
Since the man, the author, is so lovey-dovey right now, let’s start putting our bets on who the endgame couples will be.
Yeah, this is the pairing I didn’t know I 6 right now, I just want a spin-off where they go off to the cosmoses catching criminals as he badass couple they are.
Now, THIS is Rebecca Bluegarden. Not that idiot who got fooled by Muller of all people. Don’t do 6 Mashima! Never do that ever again.

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